Well, maybe not according to any official declaration, but it sure seems like it to me. I’ll be participating in three programs during the month. Here are the details in case you’d like to join in.
On Wednesday, October 8, I’ll be participating in Dr. Valerie Hill’s program, “Embedding Librarians in Digital Culture”, as part of the web-based Library 2.014 conference. The presentation begins at 7 p.m. US Eastern time. See for details.
A week later, on October 15, I’ll be in another web-based conference. This one is the Special Libraries Association’s 2014 Virtual Conference, a reprise of selected presentations from the annual conference held in Vancouver last June. So, if you weren’t able to get to Vancouver, and would like to join in the conversation on “Disruption, Alignment, and Embedded Librarianship: Connecting the Dots, and Avoiding the Traps,” this is your chance. (And if you were there, join in and let’s continue the conversation.) The session starts at 3 p.m. US Eastern; see for more information.
Last but not least, on Friday, October 24 I’ll be at the 23rd Annual Conference on Libraries and the Future, sponsored by the Long Island Library Resources Council. This sounds like a really interesting program and I’m looking forward to it. My presentation for this event will be entitled “The New Net-Centric Librarian.” The website for more information is
Hope you’ll be able to join me in one, two, or all three of these events!
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