A Question from Buslib-l


Marjan Farahbaksh at the Toronto Globe and Mail has posted the following on buslib-l. I’m reposting it here with Marjan’s permission. If you’d like to respond, Marjan’s email address is [email protected] .

I’m considering the idea of embedded researchers as a way to meet the
research needs of our users at the point of need and to better integrate
our services with the daily work processes of the departments we serve.

I’ve read David Shumaker’s work on the subject, which has given me a lot
of food for thought, but I’d like to learn more about the practical
experiences of corporate libraries that have transitioned to embedding.

If you’ve tried this at your organization, how successful has it been?
Do the researchers still maintain a formal relationship with the library
or are they completely part of the unit they serve? Were there any
challenges or resistance and how did you solve them? Has embedding
raised the profile of your library/research services? Any thoughts and
advice would be greatly appreciated.


Marjan Farahbaksh
Research Librarian
The Globe and Mail”

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